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"The Woman From Aladdin, Part I"
Mantra: Spear of Destiny #1
April, 1995

Quote: "Bond...Jane Bond." - Eden, looking in the mirror after getting her "makeover."

Credits: Mike W. Barr (writer); Paul Abrams (penciller); Maria Beccari (inker)

Cover: Joel Adams (penciller); Maria Beccari (inker)

Main Character: Mantra

Supporting Characters: Dr. Sarn*, Edgar*, Blythe Ashwin*, Adam Markham*

Villains: Herronvolk*, Karl*, Wilhelm*


Mantra attends a museum exhibit showcasing the Spear of Destiny, a holy artifact rumored to contain mystic power. While she is there, a group of ultras attempts to steal the Spear. When one of the attackers neutralizes her powers, she is helpless to stop them. She has no leads, until months later. Aladdin selects Eden Blake to do some undercover work for them in the place of another Aladdin agent, Blythe Ashwin, who disappeared while investigating the Spear of Destiny. Eden, disguised as Blythe, is sent to London to find Blythe and the Spear. She tracks Blythe to a local bar, where she is attacked by a group of thugs who have the Spear. She makes short work of them before Adam Markham, a Lodge agent, arrives on the scene.

* Denotes First Appearance
+ Character Dies

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