"The Renaissance Snare"
Mantra Vol. 1 #8
February, 1994
Quote: "Warstrike has about as much interest in the Renaissance
as I have in getting pregnant." - Mantra
Credits: Mike W. Barr (writer); John Statema (penciller); Barbara
Kaalberg (inker); Dave Lanphear (letterer); George Cox III (color design);
Family Fugue (interior color); Eileen Eldred (assistant editor); Chris
Ulm (editor)
Cover: John Statema (artist); George Cox III (colorist)
Notch informs Boneyard of his plan to capture Mantra. After foiling some
kidnappers, Warstrike returns home to find Mantra waiting for him. Refusing
to call Mantra by her female name, Warstrike rebuffs her uncharacteristic
romantic advances. "Mantra" transforms into Guise, and restrains
Warstrike until Notch can overpower him. Seeing Warstrike's face everywhere,
Mantra goes to investigate his apartment and is surprised by a pair of
Notch's men. After killing one attacker, Mantra finds a flyer for a renaissance
faire. At the faire, Guise takes the form of Lukasz's first wife, Marinna,
and attacks her. Not suspecting the battle is real, the crowd cheers them
on. Mantra follows the fleeing henchmen to Notch, who is now accompanied
by two Warstrikes. The true Warstrike calls Mantra "Eden," and
Mantra blasts Guise, who escapes. Notch and his men flee into a breach,
and Warstrike tricks Mantra into kissing him. Boneyard then imprisons
Notch for failing.