Cover Image

Rune #6
December, 1994

Quote: "The hermaphrodite witch had no conception of the blade's true grind armies into bloody reap a harvest of souls to nourish my star cleave the very stars from the heavens! Such is the destiny of the Sword of Fangs!" - Rune

Credits: Barry Windsor-Smith & Chris Ulm (writers); Barry Windsor-Smith (penciller); Alex Bialy (inker)

Cover: Barry Windsor-Smith (artist)

Main Characters: Rune, Prime (Rogue), Mantra

Supporting Characters: Janus*, Alexander*


Rune attacks Mantra in an attempt to steal her mystical Sword of Fangs. In the struggle for the sword, Mantra enlists the help of Prime. He manages to pry Rune off of Mantra. Rune retreats to his kingdom in Mixcotl, Mexico with the Sword of Fangs and unleashes the Sword of Fangs' true power. Mantra and Prime try to regain the sword. Prime attacks Rune first, his punch knocking Rune down. The vampire slashes Prime's chest, revealing the boy inside. The helpless Kevin Green is saved by Mantra, who, with the Sword of Fangs, cuts the Star Stones away from Rune's neck. She smashes one of the stones, releasing the countless souls held within it. As Rune fights off the souls, Prime and Mantra escape, taking the Sword of Fangs with them.

* Denotes First Appearance
+ Character Dies

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