The Company of Wolves

by C. D. Lee

Table of Contents

Appendix to Issue #25

"Waltzing with Bears"

I went to his room in the midst of the night
I tiptoed inside and turned on the light;
But to my dismay he was nowhere in sight
And I'm sure Uncle Walter went waltzing that night


He goes wa-wa, wa-wa-wa, waltzing with bears,
Raggy bears, shaggy bears, baggy bears, too,
And there's nothing on earth Uncle Walter won't do
So he can go waltzing, wa-wa-wa waltzing,
So he can go waltzing, go waltzing with bears.

I bought Uncle Walter a new suit to wear,
But when he comes in, it's all covered with hair
And lately I've noticed there's several new tears
And I'm sure Uncle Walter's been dancing with bears.


I told Uncle Walter that he should be good
And do all the things that I said that he should;
But I know that he'd rather be off in the wood
And I'm afraid that I'll lose him, lose him for good.


I begged and I pleaded with Walter to stay
And managed to keep him inside for a day,
But the bears all barged in and then took him away;
Now he's dancing with pandas, and I can't understand it
But the bears all demand at least one waltz a day!


That night when the moon rose we crept down the stairs
He took me to dance where the bears have their lairs;
We danced in a bear hug with nary a care,
It all feels like flying, there is no denying
And now my pajamas are covered with hair.



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